Sunday, November 12, 2006

Interesting take, interesting take:

Washington pundits still persist in portraying our recent elections as a series of waves, alternately sweeping in the proponents of a blue team or a red team; by this theory, first came the Republican surge 12 years ago, and now comes the Democratic countersurge. But in fact, these two waves are more accurately viewed as part of the same continuous seismic disturbance: the growing frustration of voters with the Washington crowd of both parties, who seem stuck in the same ideological debate they were having in 1975, while the rest of the country struggles mightily with the emerging economic and international threats of 2006.


Anonymous said...

ummmm, hellloooooooo, i already told you this!

Emily said...

who is that? this is why i feel like getting rid of anonymous postings. please identify yourself.

Anonymous said...

oh dude, sorry, that was me. I usually identify myself, but i guess i forgot. my bad.