Friday, March 28, 2008

I am off!!

Well, it's finally here... almost. I still have errands to run, iPod playlists to create, a bag to pack, nails to paint, and so on, but in 12 hours I will be on a plane to here:

I have never gone on a tropical vacation, never gone to a beach to do nothing for a week... I cannot wait. My pile of clothes for my suitcase is all brightly colored prints and includes zero long sleeves or pants. I'm sort of running around frantic today (last night's Justice show did not help my mania, despite its awesomeness), but I know that as soon as I get there I will feel a weight lifted off my shoulders.

In other news, because I'm going to Belize, I've spent the entire work week aggressively managing a to-do list. It's actually been very productive, and then just now, sort of spontaneously, I completed a project I have been meaning to finish since mid February. I needed a new sign-up system for this program I run, and suddenly I realized it was easier to finish setting that up than to continue with the system I already had. Who knew? I feel like this is an awesome way to end the work day before my vacation. (Except actually, my team of three is going on an "off-site" today, getting our palms read! So this won't actually be the end of the day.) I feel really good about setting off for my vacation on a high note. Now if I can only manage to do all the errands I need to do tonight and make my bed before I take off... and if Stanford wins the basketball game today that wouldn't hurt either. I'm crossing my fingers...

I won't be blogging for the next week, and I have little pains thinking of my Google Reader going unread for a whole 9 days. But I will return refreshed, replenished and determined as usual. I am looking forward to it.

(photo from here)


Ellen said...

Have an amazing trip!

Anonymous said...

Take something with long sleeves!

Anonymous said...

are you going on this vacation by yourself or is this some sort of romantic getaway or is there a swingers convention going on at the time? i'm just trying to figure out why you would be going to belize in april when you start getting bad thunderstorms...

-c. olds

Emily said...

i went with 4 friends, and there were zero thunderstorms. and it was awesome. i think the wet season mostly start in june.

Anonymous said...

oh, that is good to hear you had a good time with no problems. Now put up some bikini pics posthaste, heh.

Scott Henderson said...

You went to Justice? Without me?

Have a great holiday yeah.

Started watching The Wire...awesome!xx