Thursday, January 25, 2007

I have to admit I don't think I ever heard of the World Economic Forum until about a month ago. Now I know about it. And it's sort of weird to read articles where they are talking about the attendees and be like... well, yes, yes, and yes, I knew that. Sure, the it's public knowledge, I guess, if you are an avid follower of Davos news (if such a thing exists) but I feel sort of minorly yet intimately connected with articles like these, namedropping people who work about 250 feet away from me.

Maybe I just haven't gotten used to the ubiquitousness of my company in the news. It's one thing to read about a company, another thing to work at one, but reading about the company where you work (and here everyone is very invested in the company and involved and has a chance of making an impact across the entire company) in the news is an entirely different animal.

Side note: I honestly think Davos sounds fun. Solving the world's economic problems at cocktail hours and nightcaps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely a lot of Google-buzz these days!