Wednesday, May 31, 2006

God, People are Stupid

Thanks to Pablo for pointing out this lovely act of patriotism/xenophobia/racism. Look, I understand it's important to have functional immigration laws to try to staunch a flow of illegal immigration... (although really why it matters is sort of obscure to me. Seriously, I understand economic arguments against illegal immigration, but the main argument always just feels a little indignantly jingoistic/petulant child to me - "They're not paying taxes! But I am!! It's not FAIIIRRRR!" I guess what I mean is, I recognize the point, but I just don't care to argue that side.) I also firmly think that it's important to offer a path to citizenship, Senate plan as opposed to House plan, whatever. I also think a wall is a dumb idea, but who am I to say so, since I'm not sure that it isn't effective (although, really, a wall!?). I haven't looked that up. All that said, which is basically me claiming ignorance and, well, sort of progressively sounding more and more ignorant, I still think that people who are adamantly in support of a wall have some serious waking up to do. It clearly isn't the only answer, first of all. Second of all: They frighten me. Look at their home page!! Notice that it says "Look at today's article about linked from the Drudge Report!" In other words, "Just to clarify, guys, this site does not promote the daily reading the NYTimes. Damn liberal bias in the media."

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