Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Flurry of blog posts

Sorry, but I was so lazy (weekend) and then so busy (Tuesday) that I haven't had time to blog at all and I'm relishing my "free time" (read: stolen time) at work today to post stuff. Like this, a New York Times review of The Hills, which as I've mentioned before, will be awesome. Mostly I just can't get over how seriously the reviewer takes L.C. and the whole Laguna Beach myth (although she does of course clarify that she watches the show "as fiction"). I never thought L.C. was "watchful," mostly just "boring." And maybe a little "dull."

Oh well, maybe now she finally has the limelight (at least until I see the show, which may be stolen from her by her entourage of dumb friends, a la Laguna) she'll perk up a little.

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