Monday, June 18, 2007

I know I'm really lame and it probably isn't good, but I really do want to see Becoming Jane.


Anonymous said...

Please tell me you're kidding. It's all bonnets during the Regency. Plus, the *actual* Jane was not a looker. At all. But we can't have ugly leads in movies, now can we?

Emily said...

Not kidding. You know I love my Regency dramas, whether they be Jane's books or about Jane herself. I don't care that much about the whole hot Jane Austen thing... Sure it's inaccurate but I expect that in a movie. And more importantly it just looks kind of fun and nice to look at.

Emily said...

what's your opinion on the keira knightley p&P btw?

Anonymous said...

Forced to see it (long story), but wished I hadn't (that's even factoring in Keira Knightley). I know you love Regency dramas. You know I think they're drivel. Bonnets and 'handsome' letters. I'm not one for Whiggish history, but we've certain made progress since then.