Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's funny. I read this book right when it came out in paperback (recommended by the lovely Casey) and liked it well enough. It wasn't the best book ever but it was good. But ever since then I've had this urge to reread it, that's sort of itching all the time. Unfortunately I loaned it to someone so I don't have my copy anymore, and besides, I don't really have time to reread anything because I'm too busy reading things the first time. But maybe I will, in time for the movie. I like Rachel McAdams for some reason, despite The Notebook. Maybe it's the pink hair.

P.S. On a related note, this is one of those books that gets lauded in fiction (and, I know now, non fiction) writing classes. Why? I mean, why in particular? I have no idea.


Anonymous said...

You loaned it to me. Want it back?

Anonymous said...

How funny! I remembered that Em loaned it to Caryl. That cover makes it so appealing.

Casey said...

I hate to refuse the compliment, but actually, you bought it for me one birthday. And then I gave it to my mom. And then we literally pushed each other on the way to the library to be the first for the next book.

It wasn't as bad as the time she threw Harry Potter (a later one, too) at me for reading hers all in one night before she woke up.

Emily said...

ha! i used to do that with lucie and magazines. i hated it when she read MINE before i read them.

i could have sworn you recommended it to me.